Have you discovered your purpose in life? So many times we miss our purpose because we spend too much time looking every where else and we tend to overlook what could be done today. In our human nature we like to look at the big picture and if we are not careful when this takes place then we could distort the picture that we already have. When we learn to treat everyday as a new snap shot then we should be able to see how each snap shot can eventually develop our future?
Perhaps there are things that stir your heart. These things that stir your heart may indicate areas where God wants to use you in His overall picture. God uses a variety of means to develop and prepare us for His purpose and not our own. But so many times we never discover our purpose because we are too busy searching for what we want instead of what God may desire. I challenge you today to learn how to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s leading and make the most out of the snap shot that God has given you today…amen
It is very easy to look upon someone elses picture but it is what we are doing with our own that makes it special in the future.
James Harrison / servant
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