Balanced Life Ministry has been called by God to help unite and prepare the body of Christ without division to serve, provide, inspire and reach the lost at any cost. We believe in the whole Word of GOD without compromise or deception for our faith statment comes from John 3:16″For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” GOD has given us a deep burden that we have carried for many years but we never really understood it until now. There is great Power in the spirit of God and without the discipline of God man cannot handle power.
We at Balanced Life Ministry are born again Christians that GOD has called for such a time as this in our nation to help others that have fallen weak to prepare for the extra mile. GOD has already given us Victory and it is time that we let go of ourselves and work together for what is right by GOD in putting our desires behind others to help our children of tomorrow. The truth has never changed but over the years it has been distorted because by majority we have allowed others to do what is wrong over what is right and this has broght complacency within the overall body. Can you only imagine one more generation without those of us who truly understand the meaning of pulling up our cross and following the light in Jesus Christ? The Lord never meant for us to separate ourselves because he plainly tells us vengeance is His and the weeds will stand out on their own…
In Matthew 13 Jesus said,Let both grow together until the Harvest, and at the time of Harvest I will say to the harvesters,” First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” When you look at our country what do you see that continuously stands out among all the rest? No one knows the hour nor the day of the return of Christ but there is one thing that is proven in every generation of life. ” When we remove GOD from our focus and fall to the deception of Satan in this world then it is only a matter of time before the fall.”
Balanced Life Ministry can help those who have lost their balance in this world and even those who never figured out how to stand on their own. Their is no question that this ministry has been given by GOD in order to prepare us for the winds ahead. Can you tell me how a ship at sea takes the waves of a storm that is coming in its path? What happens to the ship if it turns and runs? Can you see how the waves will eventually catch up and overtake the vessel causing it to sink? There is only One Way to face a storm at sea, and that is by preparing and facing them in the angle of love through Jesus Christ in whom we believe!
There comes a point in every home that we must regroup in the family of GOD to rebuild what we have before it is lost. If we don’t Wake Up to this Truth and continue to go in all the different directions then the fall will only get worse while many children will wander in the wilderness without knowing The Way to go. It is time to regroup in the body of Christ and understand each parties roll that has been given by God without arguing over our positions to gain the direction to stand in the winds of this world. The book recently published titled “Special Delivery”has a powerful message within it in recalling our past in order to overcome and stand in our future. Please visit the page noted above to view its content and pass to anyone that is struggling in life and view the Spiritual Movie Reviews to see the overall messages that are coming from Hollywood without their own acknowledgment in the glory of God through Jesus Christ.
It is our prayer that you will find the balance you need while being anchored to the cross of Jesus Christ in that first love that will guide, comfort, and strengthen you for your life ahead. May your eyes and ears be opened to the water that is here at your feet to see the light that has guided you here that will give hope and direction in a time of need. We never know when it could be our last good bye and the last thing any loving Christian should ever want is to see that lost child or even adult that is left behind to do nothing but only cry and ask the question,”WHY?”…Amen
2 Corinthians 2:17 ” For we are not, as so many, peddling the Word of God, we speak in the sight of God in Christ!”
The season has come to repent and regain our unity in where we stand in Christ. It is time to appreciate what the Lord has given us within each season of change and within our homes. In (Ecclesiastes 3) Solomon wrote “For everything there is a season and a time”.
Balanced Life Ministry is a non profit organization and all picture, artwork and writings are protected under copyright laws that restrict the use of any unauthorized parties without written consent.
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