Soaring In The Wind With God…
When we look upon God’s creation we can discover the very things He teaches in the Word within nature. For instance geese they can sense predators and the seasons at hand. They mate for life and when one goes down the mate goes too. In addition they fly in formation in order to lighten the loads of the ones that follow. The one that starts at the beginning of their journey is not always one that leads at the end.
They learn to work together as they fly in unity and when they meet another group or let’s say another body of believers they don’t argue about the direction nor do they compete for the lead. They simply merge together as one building a larger formation as they continue to seek their destination. Once they reach their destination within the fields we can witness many different species all being fed from the crops that God provides.
Another interesting part is that they don’t chase the wind but they learn how to use the wind to their advantage. They understand the importance of returning home from season to season. Storms throw them off course from time to time but they always seek to return home. It is when we learn to fly in unity with the direction of God that is confirmed in His Word that we can all enjoy the season at hand.
James A. Harrison
The Climb…
How can we expect to find the Way if we can’t see the Way? For walking in faith requires keeping our eyes upon the goal with our hearts in tune with God. The Way we walk and talk should reflect the love of Jesus as we travel this journey in life and along the Way we are to help others in our path that have lost their Way. Sometimes those in our path might not be lost but they are there for a purpose to encourage and help us along the Way.
The journey might seem long at times but as we endure the race there are no words to describe what we begin to see as we turn that corner with in whom we believe. For as we come to the end of one path is when we can see another and within every path the road it is a steady climb on the mountain of God. As we climb this mountain it is wise to know our steps and to always reflect upon the path in order to stay in tune. For it is when we neglect where God has brought us from and especially who got us there that we will lose our step on the mountain of God causing us to fall to the valley in order to start all over again.
There are disciplined skills involved to climb the mountain of God guiding every step of the Way. If you were to look at your life today where would you see yourself on the mountain of God or would you find yourself lost in the wilderness looking for the Way? Would you be one of those at the foot of the mountain yelling discouragement to those in the climb or would you be encouraging along the Way? Enjoy this song this morning by Miley Cyrus titled The Climb and may God give you clarity in your climb as He shows you the Way….
James A. Harrison
God Is Speaking…Who Is Listening?
Throughout the Living Word of God the Lord speaks to us through the Holy Spirit in order to warn us and to help prepare us for what is ahead. The Lord has given us His Word which still stands today in order to receive the blessings of God but when the people disobey God without recognition of our generational sins and continue to drift away from God’s Word then we better prepare for the inevitable.
In the lesson of Acts 27 with Paul in the ship during a storm there is much more to this than just a story of Paul’s life when you open your eyes in the Spirit of God. Look at his faith and how nothing would stop him from going forward. Look at how the men of the ship began to listen to him when their lives were in danger. If you recall in the first verses of Acts 27 the officers would not listen to Paul because they were stuck in this world and they only followed the captain which they could physically see because they did not know how to stand on their own and properly believe. But once the trouble came then whom did they seek for advice? Can you see this relation to America today? Where is America looking at the present time? Are we looking for physical or spiritual answer’s?
Why is it we by nature won’t listen until it is almost too late? It is sad at how shallow we are in the flesh but amazing at how the depth’s never stop in the Spirit of God! We must remember whom was cast down to earth and the Creator in Heaven above. For if we can’t see beyond our world and become stuck in our way’s without listening to the Holy Spirit of God in our hearts then our vision is being restricted by the evil one whom travels this earth in never wanting us to see our way home.
Vision in faith is not limited but only by our human restraints. For in the vision of God we always receive what we need as we seek Him daily within our walk of human life. He will show us goals to reach but we must do the work to get there and allow Him to bring our goals together in His timing and not ours. In the flesh of man we all want something now, like Eve in the Garden of Eden and America today. But we must learn in the lesson’s of life from our ancestor’s in the Holy Bible to our present day issue’s to recognize our human weakness in the flesh to build our individual character on the foundation of God and not on our personal desires!
There will be storm’s in our path with major rock’s up ahead if we don’t listen to the Word of God and follow His instruction in giving us the direction back to the kingdom. The Lord gives us the beginning and the end from Genesis to Revelation with the instruction in the middle but we must do the work in between this time period to help other’s along the Way! Our life begins with Genesis and ends in Revelation and as a book our life story is told in the middle. Looking at your life how will you be remembered from your physical birth to your physical death because this has a major impact on your eternal future.…In Jesus name we all can live!!! Amen
James A. Harrison
Walk In The Light…
Have you ever noticed that resistance often comes from fear and lack of faith? Think about it! Like learning to walk a tight rope and taking your first step. Within our bodies we can feel every muscle trying to lock up and if we are not careful our minds can be overcome with doubt. The only way to combat the resistance is with our belief and faith in God. For what God brings us to He will bring us through and the object is to recognize His desire for our lives instead of our own.
If God is for us who can be against us? Never give up on what you know in your heart and learn to trust in God as you learn to balance your life while being anchored to the cross of Jesus Christ. There is a time coming here in America and here now where the resistance of the darkness is going to intensify and the only way to combat the darkness is to turn on the light. Is your light on? Is your candle burning? It is wise to check the oil in the lamp to insure the capability of going the extra mile…
James A. Harrison
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