Don’t be like Eli in 1st Samuel and miss something that has been given by God. If you recall with Eli he did not listen because the Word of God was rare in those days and he did not recognize what was taking place until he saw the persistence of Samuel…
There are messages written below that need to be heard but in order to properly hear them you must look beyond the physical in the spiritual to receive the message that has been given. Often in life we get stuck in this physical world because we allow satan to block our ears because of what we physically see. I say all of this for you to hear the message and look past me to Jesus Christ in whom we believe.
God still speaks today just like He did yesterday, but our problem is that we often do not listen…
Wisdom For The End Times
This is a copy of a journal entry that I made after a morning walk one cool morning. During this walk I was meditating in prayer and the Lord gave me this piece of wisdom, ” There is a reason for doors to be opened in proper season and if man knew the doors of the future he would forget or neglect the day!”
We already know as Christians there will be an end time but don’t focus on the end causing us to lose sight of our daily life. Satan has used this method of negative publicity causing us to focus on the worst or end times while robbing us of the joys we have in the day. This has caused people to avoid the church and even become depressed or worried about what is before us. Instead of looking at how bad things may be in the negatives find the positives in looking at how glorious the end results will be!!!
There is no worry when we know our destination. Whats wrong with a little work because the work only makes us appreciate the rewards…Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Message When Do we Listen?
In the lesson of Acts 27 with Paul in the ship during a storm there is much more to this than just a story of Paul’s life when you open your eyes in the Spirit of God.
Look at his faith and how nothing would stop him from going forward.
Look at how the men of the ship began to listen to him when their lives were in danger.
If you recall in the first verses of Acts 27 the officers would not listen to Paul because they were stuck in this world and they only followed the captain which they could physically see because they did not know how to stand on their own and properly believe. But once the trouble came then whom did they seek for advice? Can you see this relation to America today? Where is America looking at the present time? Are we looking for physical or spiritual answer’s?
Why is it we by nature won’t listen until it is almost too late? It is sad at how shallow we are in the flesh but amazing at how the depth’s never stop in the Spirit of God! We must remember whom was cast down to earth and the Creator in Heaven above. For if we can’t see beyond our world and become stuck in our way’s without listening to the Holy Spirit of God in our hearts then our vision is being restricted by the evil one whom travels this earth in never wanting us to see our way home.
Vision in faith is not limited but only by our human restraints. For in the vision of God we always receive what we need as we seek Him daily within our walk of human life. He will show us goals to reach but we must do the work to get there and allow Him to bring our goals together in His timing and not ours.
In the flesh of man we all want something now, like Eve in the Garden of Eden and America today. But we must learn in the lesson’s of life from our ancestor’s in the Holy Bible to our present day issue’s to recognize our human weakness in the flesh to build our individual character on the foundation of God and not on our personal desires!
There will be storm’s in our path with major rock’s up ahead if we don’t listen to the Word of God and follow His instruction in giving us the direction back to the kingdom of God. The Lord gives us the beginning and the end from Genesis to Revelation with the instruction in the middle but we must do the work in between this time period to help other’s along the way! Don’t worry about tomorrow but enjoy today while sharing with other’s the true Kings Way!!!…In Jesus name we all can live!!! Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Message Today’s Biblical Time Period
When you look upon the birth of a tree what do you see? First there must be a seed and second there must be fertile ground to nourish the seed to life in growing the tree.
Now, picture God as the Almighty trunk of a tree that never wavers in this world of sin and reaches higher than the sky into the Heavens above. Can you see the strength and power of God that stands so upright and true?
Here is where we are in the chain of life that has grown from the trunk of the Almighty God that gives everything in life through Jesus Christ in proper time. The first branch was the Jews and it only reached so far and then the second branch being the gentiles was grafted onto the first branch to reach even farther in the cycle of life. Now in today’s time the second branch has lost sight and become stagnant just as the the first branch of the Jews that fell to the laws of man rather than understanding the Spirit of GOD.
Today’s period of life is about to grow another branch that will be attached to the previous two. Does the number three (3) signify anything to you? This 3rd branch is going to be filled with the Holy Spirit reigniting a fire that is only flickering in the house of GOD. The first two branches by majority have allowed sin in this world to restrict their vision by becoming tolerant of what is not right by GOD into our homes. By majority the church has drifted away from the Truth and fallen to man made ideas in allowing their branches to sway in the winds of sin in this physical world instead of remembering whom holds them true.
In this new branch that is being formed it has something new in revelations in the Spirit of God by learning from our downfalls of man in giving unity to the body of Christ. Within this new branch that is about to form you will see a revival filled with the Holy Spirit that is going to rain down on those with broken hearts who have become lost in their direction of life. There is much more to this revelation of the tree if you will meditate on it with an open heart with Jesus in whom we believe.
God has given me something for you in revelations through the Holy Spirit and it began in the book just published titled “Special Delivery.” The book is a break through in spiritual struggles and will open the eyes of many when they receive it in fertile soil. May God touch you as He touches me …Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Message — Testing the eyes and ears of the reader…
In Genesis 1 God gave us herb yielding seed that gave fruit to feed those in need and in the New Testament Jesus taught us the consequences of the tree that bared no fruit to others as it matured. Have we forgotten how the forest of God is to grow and feed others in need? Can you see how the true forest of God begins with the Tree of Life in the middle through Jesus Christ while the spring that feeds the soul is in the Holy Spirit of God?
Think about it! When we can not look past the man to see the fruits of God that he bares then would you say our vision is being restricted in the winds of sin within this physical world? Is this not what took place with Balam and the donkey? For we never know where the message may come from in the Spirit of God giving us warning of what is in our path ahead. It is imperative that we recall how a forest is formed and recognize how it maintains strength as it grows from generation to generation.
Can you see how the Lord is in the middle and steadily dropping nourishment to those of us that stand beneath His limbs that reach farther than we can see? In every forest we find the elders that have matured and dropped seeds to the fertile soil below and this is how we are supposed to grow. The young trees that sprout depend on the mature trees behind them in a time of need and the mature trees rely on the stamina of the young trees to help them as they mature in life.
Think about it! Where are the young trees in the forest? Are they in the depth of the forest with little room to grow or are they just on the outskirts of the forest with room to spread to others? Can you see how the young trees on the outskirts of the forest lean upon the mature trees behind them in the storms they face in the winds of sin within this world? The young trees depend on the maturity of the older trees while the mature trees depend on the young to continue the growth of the forest of God baring fruit that touches every heart and soul.
What happens when the mature oak trees try to stand alone when a strong wind blows through? Can you see the strength in the forest of God when we stand as One in the unity of Jesus Christ? Many of our churches and our leaders have forgotten how to find harmony in the Spirit of God as a whole. We have planted our trees but forgotten that we all must stand together to receive the overall Voice of God in unity and power that we have as One. Our trees or churches are scattered with no orchestrated events that pull us together in the glory of God in the middle of our focus through the love of Jesus Christ. Can you even imagine the message that would be shown in this country if we came together as we should and called for a national day of prayer in repentance for our tolerance of sin?
It is my prayer to each of you to have the understanding of what is being said. For if we continue to sit around and wait for something to happen then would you say we are really using our talents as we should in saving the souls that are lost with no direction? We are at the banks of the Jordan with water hitting our feet and allowing what we see in the flooded waters of sin to think it is too much to cross again! Nothing is too great for God and there is nothing we can’t do when we are working within His will!!!
There is only one cure for this country and that is through repentant hearts in the love of Jesus Christ with God back in the center of our lives! It is time we Wake Up and unify the body to reveal the glory of God through the blood of Jesus Christ. If we can have a million man march then why can’t we have a multi million day crusade in our Christian faith?
Never forget your position as the oak tree that you are supposed to be! For we all need each other from young to old through the Spirit of Jesus to be set free….Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Message — Testing the eyes and ears of the reader…
This is a copy of the letter which I forwarded to many that I knew:
Do you recall the previous email titled “Are You Ready?” It would be wise to read back over all the emails that I have forwarded and hear the message which is being given. It is very easy to just read over something or just hear the words that are being spoken but the question is, “Are you really listening?”
Here is something this morning that was shared with me to share with you:
Do you recall the story of Cain and Abel? Do you see how Abel the shepherd can be compared to the least or the poor while Cain can be compared to someone of wealth with pride within their works and accomplishment’s? With this being said can you see how we look upon the shepherds as the poor and the ones we often feel doesn’t deserve any rewards? Is this because they choose to not dress as we do or live as we do? What does the Lord tell us about the end times? He says, ” The last will be first and the first will be last!”
Many of our churches and individuals have fallen as Cain in holding on to their best and forgetting who owns it all! These churches and people pick and choose whom they want to help while they boast about what they have done while still keeping the best for themselves in forgetting how to give as God instructs. How many people do you know that have fallen as Cain and become proud of their works to the point they act as if they did it themselves?
It is very easy in life to fall to this in the flesh of man due to our sinful nature. Because we all work hard for what we have and want to hold on to the best for ourselves by nature. But this is very dangerous when we claim that we understand the word of God!
Look at Cain in why he became so angry with Abel. Can you see how easy it is to feel in our hard works and accomplishments that we deserve something better than those who choose to not do as we may do? Have you ever felt in your job that you deserved something that you were not given while someone else whom just came on board received the reward that you felt you so deserved? This is easy to fall to and in Genesis 4: 6 & 7 the Lord says, ” Why are you so angry?” ” Why do you look so dejected?” You will be accepted if you do what is right. But if you refuse to do what is right, then watch out! Sin is crouching at the door, eager to control you. “But you must subdue it and be its master.”
By nature we fall to looking at others rather than looking at our lives directly with God in how we are to live in harmony within the Holy Spirit. We tend to pay more attention to what we have or what someone is doing more than the fact of living as we should in the will of God through Jesus Christ! If everyone would Wake Up that has fallen asleep and live their life to the best they can without holding back then can you even imagine the harmony & strength we would have in the Spirit of God? What does Jesus teach us in Luke 19 about the talents we are given? Have you ever studied this and evaluated yourself to insure in that you are giving the best in everything you do? Don’t be held back for what you are trying to hold on to. It is easy to look upon someone else but we better remember our position and whom is looking down upon us!
Over the years many men of of God have been saying,” The end is near.” They were right! But before that times comes we better remember ” The Harvest” to make sure our gifts will be accepted! It is time we quit holding back what we know in our hearts and subdue our sins before it becomes our master. No one knows the time nor the hour but it is wise to be prepared for the last thing anyone should want is to be caught off guard and called when not ready!
Here is what the Lord revealed to me as I now reveal it to you:
When you look at our society as a whole and the world events that are taking place right at our very feet can you see two bodies in this world as Cain and Abel? Can you see the weeds beginning to separate themselves in the fields of the harvest? If you can’t see it or even hear it then you better open your eyes and ears to the water that is slapping you at your feet!
Don’t fall into this dillusion that is taking place in our society of all the intellect that is dissecting and claiming the way which they have drifted so far from. As we are taught in first Corinthians 13 knowledge is nothing without love and in true love there is no jealousy or envy. We as Christians know what is right by God and that is what we are to hold on to without allowing our sinful nature to control us!
Many of our leaders want to show their knowledge and awards but forgotten the Way which is so simple but narrow to follow. Please open your eyes and ears to what is being said here. For the Lord has given me something to share with you and we need to stand up and live our lives to the best we can while helping those all around you.
It doesn’t matter what someone else may achieve or receive in life! What matters is how we follow the Word of God and serve the best we can with what we are given in the time we are blessed with!!! Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Wisdom Dreams
Why is it when our young children come to us with life ambitions that we encourage them by telling them they can be anything they want but then as they mature we tend to stop encouraging them which causes weak self esteem within themselves?
Think about it! As you have matured in life how many people have ever discouraged you by looking at what you wear, maybe for what you look like, your background, your age or simply by just telling you this can not be done? Is this not complete opposite of what we teach our children when our daughter comes to us wanting to be that princess or when our son comes to us wanting to be that astronaut? It is vital to recall that every child is a child of God and we never know the age of that lost soul when their eyes may be opened to the Truth in salvation. It is our position to seek Him daily while encouraging each other no matter the age in the glory of God through Jesus Christ!
Do you recall the lesson of Abraham & Sara in the birth of their son Isaac? The lesson was that our heartfelt dreams can be fulfilled at any age of our life if our faith is right by God and we are working within His will!
It is pathetic how how our society by majority has lost their sight in encouraging and helping one another reach their goals in life! Instead we sit around looking and disecting the task while discouraging someone who can make a difference because we can’t see how God is working in their life. GOD HELP US For How Blind We Are!!!
Our society and even many of our churches are holding our children back because we have lost sight of how to grow in the Spirit of God! We are to help those below us and encourage them to travel further than ourselves while never forgetting the roots of our foundation in the Word of God through the love of Jesus Christ. It is also our position to respect and uplift those above us in order for them to maintain their position until the next one comes along and many have lost sight of this principle in life and become lost in the wilderness .
What do you think Martin Luther King would say right now to those who told him to keep his mouth shut and that he would never make a difference? Looks like his heartfelt dreams have now been fulfilled because of the belief in the dreams that he once carried and passed on. Do not ever lose sight in how God can work in our life when we learn to follow Him in true faith and seek His direction in the talents that He has given to each of us to make a difference in our children’s future. Not all things happen in our timing but when we plant the right seeds in fertile soil you never know when the tree may sprout. Every generation is to help nurture and fertilize our children of tomorrow!
I challenge you today and every other day to encourage someone and help them in life by learning to work together and not apart! Don’t disrespect God as Sara and laugh at things that you may not think are not possible because ALL things are possible by God! And He that is within us is GREATER than he that is in this world! Amen
James Harrison
Spiritual Maturity
Throughout the Old Testament in the Holy Bible we read where God provoked something in a movement that often is never properly understood in the flesh of man. It is imperative to recall that there is a constant battle here on earth that is taking place between good and evil. Once we recognize this then we can look past the physical to see the spiritual that is guiding each of us to our eternal destination.
Always know this Truth for it was given to me in the Spirit of God to share with you:
When something is provoked in a movement of God there is no running or hiding once it takes place. The willing vessel which the Lord chooses to use will not quit until the mission is accomplished. But when something is provoked by satan in sin then you will find that the instigator will not follow through and even run and hide once they accomplish their selfish desires that does not serve the people.
Often in life we do not understand the drive we carry but once we are able to look beyond the immediate to see the future outcome is when we can see whether the movement is of God or of satan. When we recognize this is when we begin to spiritually mature when we work within the will of God and stand stong on His foundation.
James Harrison
The End Times
Throughout history man has tried to predict the future, and even how certain events in the End time are going to take place. Man can’t fully comprehend or understand how the End times are going to unfold to an exact sequence nor do we even know the day that this will happen. The Lord tells us how times are going to be and what to watch out for in false doctrine, false teaching and even in signs throughout the world but He plainly tells us, ” No man knoweth the hour nor the day except for thy Father in Heaven above.”
It is very easy in life to get so wrapped up in trying to comprehend the End but when we do this we forget and neglect the day.
Everyday we are given has something special when we learn to look in the right directions and appreciate Gods affection.
So what if it is tomorrow or a thousand years from now as long as we are truly ready in our hearts with Jesus Christ for that day we are called home.
The Word of God is about believing, having faith, positive growth and sharing with others while knowing in our hearts without any doubts that the Word of God is True.
And the beautiful part of this journey in life is learning to live in the Spirit of God and serving within His will in everything we do…Amen
James Harrison
Heaven is a place of purity and peace where everything has a purpose in life. There is no waste in Heaven for everyone and everything works together as one while giving God the glory through the love of Jesus Christ…amen
Until we learn to trust God, history will only repeat itself……
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