In John 5 there was a man in need and in fact he carried this need for 38 years. The man was crippled and seeked healing from a pool of water. He was right at the edge of the water but every time the door opened to go in someone else stepped over him while others over looked this mans need because they were so focused on their own.
This morning as I was crossing the river the Lord gave me this message. See this man had a need and was within the the walls of the church building. For 38 years people stepped over him and pushed him aside to insure that they received their healing rather than caring about someone else’s. Why could someone not have sacrificed something of themselves for this man? Was it due to their own selfish desires? Where was their compassion and true love? In 1 John 3:16 we learn,”This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers.” There is another scripture that ties to this lesson and that is with the persistent widow in Luke 18. This man did not become discouraged and lose hope. He continued to have faith that one day he would receive the healing as he did and not from the pool of water but from the healing hands of Jesus Christ.
May this message this morning encourage you to take your eyes off of yourself and to help someone else in need. To stand like you have never stood and to walk like you have never walked in the healing hands of Jesus Christ.
Here is a video that may bless you this morning as it does me…My Redeemer Lives
James A. Harrison
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