Can you recall a time where you experienced the love of God and it dramatically affected your life? Have you ever been in a circumstance that seemed like a living hell and the hand of God deliver you? These times in our life are testimonies of what the power of God can do when we truly cry out and seek for His deliverance through the love of Jesus Christ. It is important to recall that we don’t need to know all the answers to share Christ with others and God did not deliver us for us to keep our mouths shut.
We should be sharing with others what God has brought us from and how He has changed our life. Don’t worry about not having all the answers but learn to trust that God will use your words to help others believe in Him, too. This teaches others where to look by seeking the Lord for the answers they need to overcome their downfalls in life. Please enjoy this video link on Cardboard testimonies and may it inspire you to share yours…
James A. Harrison
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