How can we expect to find the Way if we can’t see the Way? For walking in faith requires keeping our eyes upon the goal with our hearts in tune with God. The Way we walk and talk should reflect the love of Jesus as we travel this journey in life and along the Way we are to help others in our path that have lost their Way. Sometimes those in our path might not be lost but they are there for a purpose to encourage and help us along the Way.
The journey might seem long at times but as we endure the race there are no words to describe what we begin to see as we turn that corner with in whom we believe. For as we come to the end of one path is when we can see another and within every path the road it is a steady climb on the mountain of God. As we climb this mountain it is wise to know our steps and to always reflect upon the path in order to stay in tune. For it is when we neglect where God has brought us from and especially who got us there that we will lose our step on the mountain of God causing us to fall to the valley in order to start all over again.
There are disciplined skills involved to climb the mountain of God guiding every step of the Way. If you were to look at your life today where would you see yourself on the mountain of God or would you find yourself lost in the wilderness looking for the Way? Would you be one of those at the foot of the mountain yelling discouragement to those in the climb or would you be encouraging along the Way? Enjoy this song this morning by Miley Cyrus titled The Climb and may God give you clarity in your climb as He shows you the Way….
James A. Harrison
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