Seeking the righteousness of God and having the self control over our sinful nature is the music that God seeks within our hearts and actions. We all strike the wrong cords from time to time but the object is to learn from our missed beats in order to rejoin within the music of God through His unfailing love and grace. Many individuals never hear the music of God due to their own lack of understanding or due to their ears being restricted by what they see and neglecting in whom we believe.
As a musician joins a band there is much practice required in order to learn the specific sounds of each instrument. There is another part of this that many musicians can understand and that is a seasoned or gifted musician who has the eyes and ears to enter right in within the sound due to playing for what they hear. This is how Christianity should be! For someone that calls them self a Christian but sits around destructively picking apart the music instead of learning how to play is simply missing the message of God.
As a musician sharpens another musician so are we to sharpen the tune of Christianity through God’s Word. There is an important factor though to understand and that is to encourage through love and not discourage through evil. For the objective is to enjoy the music of God and not allow the cords of Satan to divide the sound…
James A. Harrison
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