Have you ever been around someone that put emphasis on what they have or do on the outside instead of keeping the focus on who they truly are on the inside? Satan has done a good job misleading us in prestige and knowledge to the point that it has caused and still causing a division in the body of Christ. The holier than thou attitude and the prestige that many have fallen into is directly against what the Lord Jesus taught us in the Word of God.
Nobody likes to hear someone else brag or boast because all this does is creates a negative chain reaction of Satan that can cause competition between people. When someone feels as if they can’t keep up then why would they want to keep going? Or, when someone feels as if they are above someone else then how would they properly be serving the people?
Everyone knows the lesson that Jesus taught when the disciples wanted to know who was better than the next. He, our Lord and Saviour, got on His own knees to serve while the others argued over their position. I challenge you to never be deceived by Satan in thinking that you are better than someone else nor don’t ever think that you can’t keep up because all this is is Satan trying to hold you down…amen
We all walk together and go home together while truly loving one another in Christ…
James Harrison
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