Over the past 40 years here in America Satan has really made an outward showing of how he has been spiritually misleading this country through individuals by trying to motivate the people by material means. This deception has caused many to become lost and caused others to become oppressed because they are looking at what the world has to offer instead of learning how to be who they are under God. This spiritual misguidance that is affecting our world today has caused many people to grow without the maturity of God which teaches us how to not only be happy where we are but how to maintain what we have been given.
This spiritual deception is easy to see when you really open your eyes and ears to what the world has been teaching. For instance, those that have alot never have enough, those that don’t have much are always looking for more, and then there are those that don’t know how to use what they already have. This spiritual misguidance has not only affected the world but has also infected the church by trying to entice people to join because of what they have to offer on the outside and truly forgetting what it takes on the inside to maintain what we have been given.
When we feel as if we need to keep up with someone else here on earth or as if we have to be at a certain place to find God then we need to take a step back to insure that we are not being spirtually misled by Satan! For Satan wants us to never be happy where we are and he wants us to overlook what we already have because he knows our weakness in the flesh of how we like to take the easy way out. Think about it! If we are always seeking something that we don’t have then how can we appreciate what we do have?
Instead of talking about or showing others what we may have or what the world has to offer let’s learn to encourage other’s by uplifting them in the loving spirit of God by teaching them that they already have everything they need to succeed where they are when they learn to seek God for their direction. It is when we look for what we don’t have that Satan can spiritually suppress us by feeling that we don’t have what it takes to achieve our goals because we forget who is truly in control and this causes many people to never even make that step in faith.
When we have God we have everything and as we learn to use what He has given us today then He will give us what we need for tomorrow. God wants us to learn the importance of self discipline and principles in life to maintain what He provides in the spiritual freedom of Jesus Christ to see how high we can climb without a fall. It is very important to recognize how God can use us right where we are without feeling that we have to be somewhere else in order to receive the blessings that He gives in our hearts and soul.
No matter how many buildings we build or how glamorous our lives may be without the loving spirit of Jesus we will always be chasing the wind and feel empty on the inside. The object in life is to discover Jesus Christ and then learn to grow within the discipline of God while learning to do the best we can where we are in seeking to please God instead of man…amen
James Harrison
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