There are two stages of emotions that can arise spiritually from Satan when we do not know how to recognize them and subdue them in the name of Jesus. One is the immediate emotion that tempts us to act before we think and the second stage is when we allow the evil spirit to manifest in our minds to the point that it can grow into something that it should not to restrict or divide our relationships at a later date.
So many times when we do not release the seeds of anger, jealously, bitterness, unforgiveness or pride they grow into something that causes us to be easily confused and tend to cause us to have shallow relationships with no depth in understanding. When we do not know how to communicate in love and release the things that are holding us back then we often find ourselves either depressed or very temperamental.
The world disagrees with this because they do not understand it and they can’t make any money off of it. The best medicine that we can ever experience comes in the Word of God in complete honesty with nothing to hide…
James A. Harrison
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