Making a life changing decision is not something that should be rushed nor made without seeking Godly council to help us insure the steps that we take. So many times we allow our emotions to misguide us in our decisions due to the temptations of our own desires that eventually have a negative impact on someone else.
To simplify our decisions without over complicating our answers we should ask ourselves this question,”Is this decision being led by God?” If we can answer this question without hesitation and acknowledge the commitment that we are making then we are on the Way to something better in building something for someone else rather than ourselves.
Often when we hesitate in our decisions it is because we are unsure and we have not taken the proper time in seeking the council of God to insure the steps that we take. This is why our divorce rate is so high in America and children are without their parents due to parents acting in their emotions without thinking about the future. It is vital that we take the time to seek God before we make changes that can affect the future. For if our decisions only serve our self then we are making the wrong that will eventually hurt someone else…
Jesus taught us to look beyond what we see to hear what needs to be heard to insure the steps that we take…
James A. Harrison
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