One of the most awesome lessons that Jesus Christ ever taught us is how to look beyond what we see to help us insure the steps that we take. So many times we jump in our emotions because we think this is the way that we are to go and then we find out when the road comes to an end that this road was not the one to be traveled.
As we mature in Christ and in studying God’s Word we learn that life is much simpler than what we tend to make it out to be. The reason that life becomes so complicated is because we fail to allow God to direct our steps and we often take roads that we should not have traveled. The awesome part about taking roads with dead ends is when we discover the wrong turns that we have made before we fall off of the Edge of the cliff.
Do you feel as if your life is too complicated? Do you feel that your problems are too big to resolve? The reason we often complicate things is because we try to raise ourselves into some intellect that we are not. People tend to be offended when they don’t receive an intellectual answer because they simply don’t want to feel foolish. How sad is this that we allow ourselves to be ignorant and miss the simple solutions that we have right before us? All we have to do is learn how to face our issues in the belief that Jesus will take us to the other side and learn how to balance on the waves in the sea while doing the work that it takes to reach our goals.
This same lesson of simple solutions was taught through Elijah and fulfilled in the same with Jesus Christ. I challenge you today to not allow Satan to spiritually keep you in bondage and think that your problems are too big when they are really pretty simple. All we have to do is learn how to lay down our burdens at the foot of the cross and learn to allow God to give us the strength we need to make the decisions that need to be made.
Just because we come to the end of one road does not mean that we are to give up but learn how to turn around in the love of Jesus and allow God to show us the road that we are to travel…
James Harrison
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