When faced with a difficult decision don’t allow impatience to drive you to disobey God. When you know what God wants in your life then follow His plan regardless of the consequences . God often uses delays to test our obedience and patience but far too often we struggle to trust God when we feel our resources are slipping away.
The Lord tells us that He will never leave us nor forsake us and His Word is always proven true. Sometimes the very things that we feel slipping away happen for a reason and the object is to recognize the season. For some things we think we need are not what we need and sometimes what we try to hold on to is the very thing that God is trying to show us that we need to let go of.
When we learn how to let go of the side of the boat and place our trust totally in Him with our eyes upon Jesus is when God will teach us how to walk on water and reach the other side. Too many times we scramble for the side of the boat simply because we do not know how to let it go…
James A. Harrison
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