Many people spend too much time trying to be like someone else instead of learning to be who they are under God. The world teaches us that if we don’t attend the right schools, the right church, wear the right name brand clothing, become a member of specific clubs, drive the right cars, eat certain types of foods, live in specific neighborhoods, use certain banks, have the right set of golf clubs, shop in the right stores, carry the right colored credit cards, have the right physical figure, and even sadly that if our skin is not the right color then the world automatically places us in different brackets of life. Not only does the world separate the people in physical manners but the world even teaches us to separate ourselves from the sinners.
In simple terms who is it that separates or divides the people? Who is it that wants us to think that we have to keep up or we will be left behind? Who is it that misguides our thoughts into thinking that we are better than someone else when we are all equal under God? It is surely not God because He sent His only begotten Son here to unite the people in unconditional love through humility and not arrogance. The author of division is Satan that spiritually guides us in our thoughts that leads us to a division in the body without recognizing what is taking place. These misguided spiritual thoughts of Satan often cause us to focus on ourselves instead of truly caring for the well being of the people.
The sad part of this division which Satan causes in the body is how our vision becomes restricted when we fall into our own little clicks and we tend to overlook what someone else may have to offer in the overall picture of God. People add color to our lives when we learn to listen for what God has delivered them through and they help give us strength in our times of need because we never know what we may have face tomorrow.
The dangerous part of when we try to fit in with the world is when we don’t know how to handle rejection under God because this is where Satan often causes us to live in a form of spiritual suppression. When we don’t know who we are under God and we don’t know how to stand on our own in the love of Jesus Christ in this fallen world then we are only setting ourselves up for a fall in rejection. The spiritual suppression of Satan that is caused in rejection will not only affect us directly but it can also affect others indirectly because the person that has been suppressed by Satan will often suppress others because they did not know how to handle their own rejection.
Often you will find when someone does not know who they are under God that they will be without peace and understanding. When we don’t understand where rejection comes from or understand the discipline that is required in love to reach new levels in life then we are vulnerable to in the deception of Satan that can cause us to be bitter, have envy, become depressed, carry hurts, build anger, covet and even try to run rather than face the Truth.
With God in our lives there is direction, discipline, purpose, creativeness, and most importantly love without separation in the people. Why do you think that Israel and The United States of America have always been the leaders in innovation and others nations wanted what we had to offer? When we have God in front through the love of Jesus Christ you will find that others will either try to attain what we have received or they will try to take it away. What God gives no man can take away because it is what is in us that makes us who we are!!!
There is nothing wrong with having something that God has provided, but we must understand that what we have on the outside does not determine who we are on the inside. It is very easy to spend wasted time trying to find ourselves in the world because of what we can physically see but until we learn to truly discover who we are under God through the love of Jesus Christ we will never be set spiritually free.
God wants us to learn who we are because each one of us add something special in His picture of life. He does not want us to (feel) that we have to have something to fit in because He wants each of us to know who we are through the blood of Jesus Christ. With God we are somebody that is loved and gives love in return without separation in the body of Christ. Until we learn to look to God for the answers we will never find the answers that we truly need to succeed in this life and make it to the next.
I challenge you to learn to be who you are under God and not to ever (feel) that you have to fit in. Life is about being REAL and learning to make the most out of where we are without allowing Satan to rob us of the joy that we carry on the inside. All things are possible through the love of Christ and nothing is too hard for the Lord when we learn to seek Him for the direction that we need for our children’s future…amen
There is a distinct difference in something that is original than something that has been copied by someone else…Be who you are and allow God to set you free!!!
James Harrison
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