It is very easy to become discouraged when we look around and see everything that is being shown in this world. Everywhere we look we see earthquakes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and people crying out in need with others so focused on themselves that they have fallen into greed. This world is at a pivotal point that is going to have a deep impact on our children if we do not learn to trust in God instead of leaning upon man.
There isn’t a home, a city, a state, nor a nation that is not feeling the judgement of God that is taking place around the world because of our lack of obedience in His Word and keeping Him in front of our lives. It is imperative to recall that judgement of God does not mean that He is inflicting our pains because we are the ones who have brought this upon ourselves by following our own desires instead of following the Lords will.
Sometimes in life with children when they continue to disobey we have to allow something to take place in order for our children to receive the lesson that needs to be learned in correction for their future. This is where many people want to place blame on God or on something else because they fail to recognize how we are all accountable for our own actions.
Throughout the Word of God in the Holy Bible we are taught to count it joy when trials come our way because this only means that something better is on the way when we learn to trust in God rather than falling into despair. Satan has been steadily at work since the very beginning of time in deceiving us to rely on ourselves rather than learning to be patient in growth that helps us to properly develop in our maturity.
Spiritually Satan wants us to focus on the world rather than staying focused on God because he knows how weak we are in the flesh and how easily we can become distracted from the love of God that is given in the family. When we maintain our relationships with God at the head of our lives there is a security that we receive in the love that is given. Not only do we receive comfort in the family of God but we also receive peace in our spirit because we know that whatever happens in our lives that the true love in the family of God will never fail us even when we fall.
There is no question that America along with other nations around the world are going to continue their downward spiral unless we repent and return to the Lord. Man cannot fix the problems that we have put into place due to the years that it has taken for all of this to build into what we are now facing today. Our only hope is in God and until we begin to seek Him for our direction and learn to trust in Him for the outcome our trials will only get worse.
God allows us to go through certain things in our lives in order for us to learn how to depend on Him and for us to grow stronger for our children’s future. Each one of us are going through something either directly or indirectly and it is our purpose to never give up or lose hope no matter what we have to face. God will give us the strength that we need when we depend on Him rather than relying on ourselves and when we learn to act in true love with one another in the family of God we will be amazed at what can take place in the Spirit of the Lord.
Always know that God is still in control and He protects us even when we don’t understand everything that may be happening around us. We must learn to trust in God’s protection and deliverance by maintaining our integrity throughout tough situations to always do what is right by Him instead of only thinking about ourselves. So no matter how hopeless something may seem or how much we may want to give up we need to always recall that God is in control of the world and when we do our parts the Lord will always do His…amen
For our God is a faithful and forgiving God that specializes in bringing His people back to Him through the love of Jesus Christ…
James Harrison / A Humbled Servant
this is well said! I agree, as we put the old man to death and live as a New Creation in Christ Jesus then we will personally see relief…..thanks for putting in to Words what we are seeing as a nation, church, and people of God!