It is very easy in our sinful nature to allow Satan to spiritually mislead us when we reach certain levels in life. Just because the Lord may have blessed us with a certain position or with certain material things does not mean that we are any better nor different than someone else. It is easy to see in history those that forgot how to climb the latter of success with God because they began to place their trust in their own accomplishments instead of recalling the Rock of our foundation from which we stand.
The Lord teaches us that we can not serve two masters and if we begin to place emphasis on our accomplishments rather than on the glory of God then we need to take a step back before we stumble to prevent the fall. The positions or titles that we receive in life are nothing more than something to show our commitment to the field that we are in. Our titles do not determine who we are because anyone can gain a title of man but what we show in our actions determines the type of person that we are and that we understand the position which we temporailly hold.
In this world anyone can buy a title or purchase a position but when we learn to allow God to move us where He can best use us is when we truly learn the art of how to climb on the mountain with God. A true title or position is one that is given by God and not seeked by man...amen
For God resist the proud but gives grace to the humble…1Peter 5:5
James Harrison / A Humbled Servant
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