If you were to look back at your goals for this past year what would you see? How would you rank yourself in your level of commitment to whatever you set out to achieve? It doesn’t matter our age or our circumstances in life when we are committed under God to make a positive difference and overcome where we have been. For if it is in the Lord’s will it will be done, but in His timing and not in ours. Every year that we are given we should be looking to improve and maintain something in our life to insure our children’s future.
For what good are our commitments if we are not willing to do what it takes to see them through? It is imperative in life to never be robbed of what we know in our hearts and allow Satan to rob us of our dreams that God gives. Sometimes our goals take longer than expected and it is easy to get sidetracked by Satan when we don’t understand how to fully trust in God. Always know that it is not our place as a true Christian to ever give up or lose hope no matter what we have to go through in life. Sometimes we have to take a step back to one day take a step forward.
I challenge you this year to make a true commitment and set short term and long term goals that will not only improve something in your life but improve something in someone else’s. A commitment is only as good as our word, and if we are not willing to keep our word then how honorable is our commitment? It is time that we all become more committed for our children’s future here in America and put aside our differences to focus on the objectives to strengthen our future…amen
James Harrison / Servant
I praise God today! For this morning has been the best new year that I have ever begun!!! If this is only a foretaste of what is to come then what a year this is going to be in the glory of God!!!
Chains are breaking and souls are being set free!!! Praise God…