Did you know that everyday that we are given there is a test that is placed right before us? This test is given to see how well we will follow and how well we will serve. Test come in many different ways from the way we take care of ourselves, to the way we treat others, to the way we act in negative circumstances, to the way we conduct business, to the way we handle our temptations, to the way we handle our responsibilities, to the way we handle our pressures, to the way we handle our confrontations, and just simply to see how well we will serve.
This life is no joke! We are accountable to God for every action that we take! Every word that comes out of our mouth and every action that we make is being recorded by the Supreme Judge in Heaven above. In order to improve our walk and to grow stronger in faith we should look at every person we meet as a Divine appointment to hear what needs to be heard or to help those that are in need. We all face different types of tests and I challenge you today and every other day to look at everything as something that God has put before you to help insure your steps in the future…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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