Everywhere we turn someone is giving their economic opinion and even placing blame on certain individuals. All of this continuous talk is ludicrous and a waste of productive time! What has happened has happened and it is time to learn from our past to build once again for our future! Not one individual from President Bush to congress is to blame on our current state. Who is to blame? We all are!!! For we allowed this to take place by making irresponsible decisions and trusting in man rather than standing on what is right by God! Many of our fathers in ours homes, our pastors in the church and even our leaders in our government have failed in doing their jobs in serving self instead of properly serving the people. Over the last 30 years many Americans have fallen to chasing the dollar instead of recalling what life was truly about in the love within family and having a secure home that we were all proud of due to working for what we achieved.
This all began to really unfold in the late 80’s to early 90’s when the government eased the lending regulations and this created today’s nightmare in the financial market with lenders acting as salesman that simply did not care about the future outcome but only for their immediate desires. This was not only their fault but also their superiors for they all fell to the numbers game instead of the relationships that build quality business in life. With all this taking place in the money game this eventually led to further irresponsible decisions being made by the consumer because they were just following what others were teaching and allowing.
As all of this was taking place in the relaxed lending procedures, President Clinton worked his way through certain channels to approve the NAFTA Treaty which soon led to the WTO that began the job loss in America in the early 90’s. This went unnoticed due to Gore inventing the internet, so he claimed :), and the technology boom that took place in this created a smoke screen in what was really happening to our jobs that were the heartbeat of this country. We were just about to stall in this technology boom in the new millennium when 9/11 took place and the feds had no choice but to drop the interest rates like never before to boost our economy. With this in combination to our relaxed lending it was only a disaster waiting to happen.
Many corporations built on this money game with no equity in just assuming the line would not stop while just creating another line to take care of the old line. While there were many who just simply neglected the truth in knowing that one day they would have to annie up but had high gambles that they would have made their mint and moved on for someone else to get the blame. This is sad but true. Because when the technology boom hit it was like a shot of heroin that covered up the real issue and now we have created addicts to money who think the only way to solve a problem is with another shot of heroin! Wall Street and our government has forgotten the hard work it takes to pick ourselves back up after a fall in how to come back to reality without another injection of a drug to only hide the real problem in what NAFTA created along with the relaxed lending requirements and poor use of the American tax dollars that are being spent in Washington. America can’t continue to patch our problems in hiding from the truth!
I am here to tell you,” We can recover from this economic downturn! But we must allow those that made irresponsible decisions to fall just as every other human in life in order to learn from their mistakes to not make them again and implement a strict budget plan to build back what we have lost. Until our country returns to God and addresses the root of our problems in selfish gains and handouts that are undeserved then hold on for what this economic future holds! It is time that we stop debating and listen to what is being said to regain our standing under God giving us Liberty and Justice for All. At some point we must stop all the talk, let the cards fall as they must fall, and get back to work to rebuild wiser than before…
James Harrison
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