At what point is it that our government will stop selling their souls to the devil and do what is right for the people? Never before has there been so much selfish desires in America. This country was built on a Christian foundation of serving the people and not seeing what we can take from the people!
When is enough, enough? I am a humbled father of two wonderful children that is deeply concerned for the future generations due to the lack of true leadership in our country. There must come a point in life when we see how our lives and our decisions are having negative impacts that we say,” Wait a minute I can’t do this anymore, for what I am doing is going to hurt the people and it is time to clean up our act and start properly serving the people.”
Many people have fallen to following the crowd and the temporary dollar verses standing on what is right by God and properly serving the people. It is my sincere prayer that every individual learns to work for God rather than for themselves, and we stand again with direction and unity to help clean up this corrupt nation…amen
James Harrison /Author
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