It is sad but true how many churches have fallen into the trap of competing against one another instead of working with each other as they should. Some churches are even copying others while some are even trying to market themselves to pull people in. Church is not a place for competition nor a place that should be marketed as a product on the street. It doesn’t matter the type of building we may have or the activities in the church! What matters is the movement of the Holy Spirit in a church that understands their position under God through Jesus Christ in being real verses one that is not.
Every church under Christ has its church roll within the body and it is our job to be sharing the Word with others in the streets. As we do the work in sharing the Truth with others then it is between the individual and the Lord for them to follow the pull that they receive in their heart. Who is guilty of this sin in allowing the competition in the church and (feeling) like they must keep up with the Jones’s to keep their flock together? This sin falls upon our leadership for not properly teaching the love within the family and trying to hold the family together with things of this world verses being in a bond of true love that can’t be broken.
Love is not something that can be bought for it was freely given. For things of this world fade away, and the love of God goes on forever…
James Harrison /Messenger
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