Recently in a conversation with an individual in leadership he spoke of his belief in God but in the same conversation stated,” That politics is no place for the church.” When he stated this the first thought that came to mind was,” Does he even know who the church is?” Then I firmly stated,” That this is exactly what is wrong with our country today because without the discipline and wisdom in the Word of God then we do not properly serve the people. The church is not a building or a place but it dwells within us and it is our duty to uphold the Word of God in everything we do from our homes, to our schools, to our churches, from our work place, and even in our government.”
This separation in church and state is tearing our homes and our our nation apart. We must hold ourselves accountable under God the Supreme Judge in knowing that we do not hold all the answers and learn how to follow the Word of God in everything we do. By leaving God out of our lives begins to raise man in the flesh and when this happens it is just a matter of time before the struggles set in before the fall. This is a proven fact in history and our fore fathers new this when building this country.
Thomas Jefferson, John Adams and every other gentlemen who assisted in the writing of the Declaration of Independence put aside their personal beliefs in order to not misguide the meaning of true freedom. But they never intended to have God removed from our American foundation! Any and every individual living in this country has the right to believe how they choose based on every individuals freewill because this is the core principle in the meaning of love and in order to hold this country together we must keep God in front!
Love is free and not directed!
George Washington once said,”It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.”
John Adams who also played a major roll in our country also said, “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Our constitution was made only for moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
The division of church and state has occurred of weak individuals who fall tolerant to not speaking what they know in their hearts to be true. It is easy in life to just get by without causing further debates but when we don’t stand for the truth then what will we stand for?
Here is a poem from the book Special Delivery and I pray it touches you as it touches me:
A Flag In The Wind
Have you ever stopped to ever watch a flag blowing in the wind?
It moves so graciously in the freedom to no end.
As you watch the flag you will begin to see
The importance of its foundation
Allowing it to be free!
As the flag moves in each direction blowing in the wind
Begin to feel the freedom within its grace
And this is when you will begin to appreciate
Our freedom in this beautiful place!
There are times the flag may rest
And other times it will stand strong!
But all that really matters within the freedom of the wind
Is that the flags foundation holds to the end!
It is in this appreciation we will find
No other country in all of mankind!
James Harrison
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