In life it is very easy to speak when we know the answer and it is in our human nature to raise ourselves up to something that we might not be ready for. This is how Satan works because he wants us to jump before the time in our youth rather than waiting and trusting in God for His timing instead of our own. Have you ever made a decision and then realized you were not ready? Or, have you ever made a decision that failed but then as you walked on in life the Lord brought it back to you again?
Just because we might not succeed the first time, the second or the third does not mean that we are to ever give up!!! It just means that we need to just learn how to trust God in His timing instead of our own and learn from our falls to one day climb again but much wiser and stronger than before.
I challenge you today and every other day to learn from your falls to see what you could have possibly been missing to insure your steps in the future. We all stumble at times when we get caught up in the climb and lose sight of the foundation from which we stand…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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