It is obvious to see and hear what is taking place here in our country , but for some reason many are not hearing or seeing the message. I have never seen so much talk with little application. There are talk shows after talk shows, doctors after doctors, leaders after leaders and even churches after churches with people seeking someone to follow while they continue to face the same problem over and over. There is a continuous cycle of individuals fighting for their position to show their intellect and this is wrong!
We are to understand that all wisdom comes from God and respect our positions in which we receive without seeking selfish desires in wanting all the attention. It is imperative to recall that the top seat has already been filled by Jesus Christ and when we do nothing but cut each other down while trying to raise ourselves to the top then this is not showing proper respect in love for thy neighbor.
Until we learn to look to God and honestly look within ourselves then we are going face the same issue’s over and over! We all know the Truth but the fact is will we receive it and apply it to our lives to honestly overcome our struggles? It is so easy to take the easy way out but true healing requires work, dedication and application. When we do not apply ourselves and continue to seek the easy way out then prepare for harder struggles in the future…
James Harrison
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