It is very easy in life when we are struggling to blame someone else but there comes a point that every mature adult needs to except the fact that our decisions are solely our responsibilities!
Greed is the leading factor in this economic meltdown and for years foreign countries like Japan, China, Taiwan and many others have wanted what Americans had and now that they have it they don’t want it anymore. They failed to see what we truly had in the beginning just as we have now fallen blind to the facts of our foundation. When an individual or a Nation has God in their life then prepare for others to seek or try to tear down what we have in the glory of God! Why do you think Israel has been under attack for so many generations? Why do think America has been preyed upon over the years? One thing that America has fallen to where Israel has not is by pushing our self will upon others. For this we are guilty but praise God for His mercy!
The Word of God plainly teaches us that when we remove our eye’s from Him and place them upon worldly idols then it is only a matter of time before the fall! This is plain to see in history if you will open your eye’s to the Truth of God! It is time America Wakes Up to the fact of how we have fallen to chasing the dollar instead of keeping our focus on God who gives and takes away! Once we do this in placing our focus back upon God through Jesus Christ then and only then will we begin to regain what we have lost while building strength for our children’s future!!!
James Harrison
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