It is time America Wakes Up to the fact in how we are setting ourselves up for another terrorist attack if we are not careful. We are more vulnerable today than we have ever been since 9/11 due to our distraction in the economy and it is imperative that our President maintains our security for our children’s future! This should be a priority over any corporate bailout to insure the safety of every American. In our current condition here in The United States of America a terrorist attack or a major natural disaster at this time would be a devastating blow to this country causing chaos like never before. We are already being penetrated on the Mexican border and the Lord is sending messages in natural events from floods to tornadoes across this country to show how we have fallen. There is nothing we can do in natural events but be ready to help one another and if we have exausted all our means in other areas then this only makes matters worse when natural events hit our country.
Dear Lord please forgive us for how we have removed our eyes from you and it is my prayer that President Obama takes a step back to see the real picture in what is taking place to maintain our countries foundation that once stood as One Nation Under God With Liberty & Justice For All. Please Lord touch his heart to make our security his number one priority on his agenda because as long as our home stays in tact we can address the other issues and work together to rebuild our strength with you Lord back in front…Amen
It is imperative when a home has internal struggles that we don’t lose sight of the facts of our foundation. For it is the love of God within our homes that holds us all together in our difficult times and when we neglect this love and fall to self then it is only a matter of time before our homes fall apart. We must remember that there comes a point in every home that we have to put aside our differences for the sake of the home to maintain strength and the longer we avoid the real issues then the further we will drift apart. The important part of every home is the perimeter and the external structure then we address the internal parts that holds it all together. Because if we lose sight in our internal battles then it is only a matter of time that the external walls that protect our homes become weak causing a leak or eventually a fall.
James Harrison
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