Have we become blind to the facts before us? Our leaders are struggling with solutions and many of our cities and states are struggling beyond repair. If we do not quit throwing money at our problems and make some hard decisions to reduce government spending then the taxpayers of today and tomorrow will continue to be nothing but slaves to the dollar.
We do not need new roads or new buildings and if we would invest this money back to the people instead of corporate greed then we would begin to salvage what we still have left. This stimulus package is very shallow in repair to our economy and only offers temporary relief that will come back to haunt us in time unless we begin to reduce our government demand and wasteful spending.
Many of these jobs being created in the stimulus package are like the employees in our cabinet plant when they don’t know what to do. They just begin to look for anything to look busy while adding little value in productivity that will help our company overcome our struggles. This is the same principle in this stimulus package given by our leaders because instead of addressing the real issues like tariffs on foreign trade and letting these corporate companies be responsible for their own mistakes then we are only going in circles. Can you imagine the jobs that would be created if the large corporate giants were to fall? Do you recall how they got to be so large by consuming the small business which is the heart of America?
It is my prayer that someone Wakes Up to address the truth and the people come together to help one another by putting aside our personal desires for our children of tomorrow. It is time that men of God stand up and do what is right for the people and quit serving selfish desires while our country continues to drift from its foundation. The Lord blessed us in giving us this country and He will bless it again if we would return to Him…Amen
James Harrison
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