When you picture small business in America think of it as the soldiers in the field doing the work and when you picture corporate America think of it as the commanding officers sitting back at a distance. If you can see this picture, then picture this:
The soldiers in the field being small business were holding their ground in this economy until corporate America our commanding officers started to fall in the background because they lost their perspective in how to stay in touch from the bottom to the top. They fell to the numbers game and forgot the people.
Think about it! If all we hear in the media is how bad everything is doing, what do you think this is doing to the moral of the workers or soldiers in the field? I don’t know about you but I want leadership that seeks God first and seeks His wisdom in times of trouble in order to maintain our strength. For if all we hear is our commanding officers crying out for help or saying I did not cause this mess then what do you really expect in this recession?
Always remember the soldiers or workers in the field are the ones who win the wars but when their commanding officers restrict them to a point of little movement then what do you really expect? True leaders take charge in times of trouble and support the people because they know who does the work in getting the job done. Leadership is about delegation and structure with discipline to maintain order! When leaders try to do all parts then this only creates worse conditions because they can’t get the job done without the peoples support.
It is time that every American comes together as one to help rebuild this nation and look for leaders that will state their position under God in holding their ground! We all make mistakes but their comes a point that we must work together in what is right for the people to build a future for our children of tomorrow.
James Harrison
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