What Is To Come
Humans are like animals and the only difference is our ability to choose in our freewill the directions we travel. This is not something to debate but a fact from the Lord. We have seen this time and time again in history how humans will resort to all measures in the state of survival. We have witnessed plane crash survivors eating the flesh of humans to survive in extreme circumstances and we have seen people flock on the weak like buzzards when they are down.
With this being said here is the message I received:
When you look at our cities this is compared to a feed troft for cattle. The cattle being the people have lived in the major cities while being dependant on man and living off of credit while it was being fed. Now that the credit is drying up the feed that fed the people have no where to go except to migrate in looking for anything else to graze upon. In time you are going to see people leaving major cities in search of work and food just as cattle when they leave for the pasture from the troft. This first begins with the weak and then the strong.
When cattle run out of feed what do they do? They return to the land to find anything they can.
May you have ears to hear what is being said and eyes to see the food that we all need ….Amen
James Harrison
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