I have come to a point that I don’t know what else to say in trying to open the eyes of every believer to what is really taking place around the world. The Lord is revealing His anger at all our sin and every day things are only getting worse because we are so caught up in the physical and can’t see the spiritual. By majority, the people have come to a point in our society where we have forgotten how to hear the Word of God and began to look to man for the answers instead of whom gives the answers.
There is not one true believer that can read throughout this ministry website and not see what the Lord has given to me to share with you. I know the day will come when the Lord will open the door for me to move forward but I pray that it comes soon. Because the longer the people don’t listen then the further they will drift away. Things are changing all around us and if the people do not Wake Up to the Truth and turn to God for guidance instead of man then matters are only going to continue to get worse!
It is okay to have opinions on matters but opinions are nothing without direction!
There is only one direction in moving forward and without God in front we will only go in circles in all the opinions that people are trying to show in their intellect. We all at times want attention on ourselves and want to show what we know. But it is vital to recall that attention on self is short lived while attention on God goes on forever. We must quit all the talk, refocus and get back to work…
James Harrison
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