Everyday we hear how our problems are inherited but here is a fact that we must recall,” When seeking a position it is wise to know what you are walking into before you actually step in. For if you know this then there is no excuse but only hard work with solutions and a commitment to do the best we can with what we are given.”
We all inherit problems in our families, in our homes, in our work place and even in our country. But this is no reason nor excuse to get down or on the defense because life is full of problems and we must know how to recognize them in order to overcome them. Once we recognize them in the proper light we learn to stand in defensive love that does not waver and we learn how to move forward in offense to reach our goals in life.
It is imperative to recall that man has limited wisdom and direction without God in front. When we truly learn to seek Him for the solutions in wise council through prayer and through other men of God then and only then will we begin to see the light to carry us forward. Until this country accepts the facts and returns to God we are going to continue to wander in circles and matters are only going to get worse….
James Harrison
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