All over the world there have been great awakenings in the glory of God through Jesus Christ while America sat stagnant in looking for the fire that we once carried. The reason for our stagnant growth here in America is because many have left the the truth and fallen tolerant in not speaking out against sin. The fire never left us but we left the fire in the Word of God and it is time for us to return to what we know in our hearts for our children’s future. There is a great revival just beyond the horizon here in The United States of America but always remember before every great revival there is a seasoning that takes place in order to prepare the hearts of the people to receive what they need in order to find their way back home. It is time that we all begin to claim VICTORY and seek God for the direction to overcome this evil spirit that has been suppressing our country and tearing our homes apart.
We know in our hearts the Truth and it is time we stand together under God and do what is right for our children’s future. I face problem’s everyday just like everyone else but I praise God through Jesus Christ that He saw me even worthy to go through what I have in order to help someone else in their walk of life . It is imperative to remember that sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. But it is during these times that there is great peace and joy because we know in our hearts that the Lord has something far better in store just beyond the horizon.
James Harrison
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