There is a very interesting study in 2Samuel: 10-11 on our human character in loyalty and compassion. When we study this message and apply it to our society here in America & to our Churches how many people today do we see living with such amenities while the one’s who are doing the work are doing without?
How many people would show the same character as Uriah in filling guilty if he were to live with such comfort while those that served him did without while serving their country?
Then the sad part of this message is how King David had everything but it wasn’t enough. So he even took more in not only the wife of Uriah but his life in order to serve his selfish desires.
This is a sad story in history but it teaches us valuable lessons in our human character in how we are to be loyal, show compassion, and not serve our selfish desires in wanting to take something that is not ours for our own personal gain. How far has our American society fallen to this sinful nature? How many churches are sitting with large bank accounts while others in their congregation are doing without?
Is this how we are to act in storing our temporary treasures and basing our security in how much we have in material things verses what have in the faith of God? Where we place our faith is vital to our Christian belief and if we do not help others in giving up something of ourselves for the sake of others then we need to recheck our faith…Amen
James Harrison
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