Have we forgotten that The United States of America is our family as a whole? It is imperative that President Obama and our US Leaders stop to hear the people before our homeland separates further from the body. There is a division starting in this country due to losing sight of our foundation and if we do not return to God and continue on the path we are on then we better prepare our homes for harder times in the near future.
Think about it! What builds and holds this country together? It is not our economy, not money, or anything else but the strength that God gives in True love within our homes and in our families. It is time that our country returns back to our foundation and makes some hard decisions in what is right for the people to save our homeland from a future divorce. It is very easy in life to try and solve our neighbors problems while we neglect our own. But if we do not Wake Up to this fact and see how our homes are suffering then before you know it our homes will slip away and if we are not especially careful during this time someone unwanted might slip in through the back door hurting us even more.
Dear President Obama & US Congress,
It is my prayer as a father and as an American that you stop to hear what is being said in this message before matters get worse. I don’t envy your position nor do I ever seek your roll but I am a man of God that is highly concerned for our children’s future. It is very easy in life to get caught up in all the turmoil in our country and around the world but there comes a time that every man under God must stop to focus on the family before the family falls apart. If you really want change then place the wisdom of God in front by standing with men of God that that will help carry this country forward without falling tolerant in just trying to please certain people. By doing this you will begin to make a positive difference and you will gain support like never before in the power of God.
With God all things are possible when we learn to work together as one and understand our purpose in life. This country is a Great home with Great people but we need to join hands to help restore the love within our family before our family members turn on one another in selfish survival tearing this country apart. This can be done when we stop to listen and apply the Word of God to our lives!!!
James Harrison
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