The United States of America needs a President and leaders who are bold in their decisions to help the people without trying to please the people. It is time our leaders stand up in their faith to do what is right by God to regain our direction in this country. When leaders stand with God upfront without minimizing our religious differences through the love of Jesus Christ the people will listen to the wisdom and see the forsight that is gained from understanding their position while leaning upon annointed men of God that are placed here to help hold this country together.
When a man stands with God there is security in our homes and direction with a purpose to serve the people. But over the years in drifting away from our foundation man has fallen weak in not knowing how to stand on their own under God while others have fallen to self in claiming their Christianity to achieve other selfish motives that is tearing this country apart!
Over the past 30 years of our spiritual leaders by vast majority becoming weak and falling to the people in not wanting to speak the real Truth has caused our leaders to rely on man instead of relying on God who gives direction to move forward in life. If our leaders do not Wake Up to this Truth and begin to seek True spiritual guidance to overcome our weakness in the flesh then God Please Have Mercy & Help Us To Overcome!
It is imperative in life to recall that our relationships are to be pleasing to God and not to man! For surely if we are trying to please God then we should be properly serving the people. It is my prayer that President Obama stops to listen to the Word of God to help this nation as a man, as a father and as a true leader should for our children’s future…Amen
James Harrison
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