Here is another example of the moral decay in America that continues along the same lines of Bill Clinton in the affair that changed our society. Ever since that night with Bill Clinton stating that oral sex is not sex this changed our children’s perspective in the wrong direction that continues to decline in trying to justify something wrong in order to make yourself look right. What examples are we honestly being to our children when we abuse our positions and continue to justify what we did wrong instead of just stating the truth in where we failed to adhere to the Word of God in losing our self control?
We all face temptations in life and without standing on the Word of God then it is only a matter of time before we give in. I agree that this matter is a personal matter with the Sanford family but I must add that this is also a matter of proper leadership due to the example that it is being to our children. Whether he loses his job as governor or not over the affair is one thing but in common sense when a man has a job with certain responsibilities and simply does not do his job then what should he honestly expect? Our motto in our company is this,” Do your job or be fired,” and this should be the motto in America . We all make mistakes but there is no excuse for wrong doing that affects the people and when we continue to allow wrong actions then what message are we sending to our children of tomorrow?
If we continue to be tolerant in our society and allow individuals to do as they please with no repercussions for their actions then what message does this show? Change does begin in our homes but it is high time that leaders begin to do their jobs in holding themselves accountable under God and doing what is right for the people. It is time that we seek leaders that care more for what is right for the people and by the people instead of those that care more about fulfilling their selfish desires in their leadership positions.
Until we learn how to speak the truth and face our wrong decisions in sin then our lives will only continue to fall even further away from what we know to be true. It is my prayer that Mark Sanford is able to teach his children how to not fall as he and South Carolina does what is right in sending the proper message to our country that will make others think before they act….
James Harrison
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