There was a time in this country when children played in the streets and you couldn’t drive through a neighborhood without seeing innocent children riding their bikes with smiles of security that was given in their homes. This security that these children once felt did not only come from their homes and friends but it trickled down from our leaders who once led this country and stood under God for what is right for the people.
Over the years of trying to please the people by being politically correct our country, The United States of America, has drifted away from the truth in serving self instead of serving others. When we serve others we serve God and when we serve self then we serve Satan! It is that simple and true.
It is time that we as Americans and as Christian’s look for God fearing leaders to replace these fallen leaders in order to clean this mess up. There are no other words to describe what has taken place in our government and in our nation. We have simply allowed a mess to build and now over time while trying to avoid the mess by just sweeping it under the rug we are seeing the end results.
Yes, there is a major job to do in our country but alway’s remember this in every mess you face,”You can only take it on one section at a time. For if we continue to only talk about it without looking for the right ones under God, with the talent’s to get the job done, then honestly what are we doing?”
James Harrison
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