Over the last 40 years America has really allowed Satan to rob us of the freedom which we have in this country by chasing our dreams and becoming enslaved to the lender. Many people have been deceived by a generation of Americans that left God by chasing selfish desires and allowing themselves to become consumed with easy finance to a point that has misled many children, taken lives, divided homes, and suppressed America in a national debt that is robbing us of our freedom in life. Finance is good when we keep it in balance, but as Jesus taught us when tempted by Satan we are to look beyond our desires to insure not only the possible outcome but most of all our children’ s future.
God teaches us in the Holy Bible not to act on our emotions while Satan on the other hand wants us to jump before we are ready. When we don’t properly understand the biblical principles in the Word of God and difficult times fall upon us then Satan knows that we will grab a hold of anything to stay afloat. This spiritual tactic of Satan has misguided many people to prey on the weak for selfish desires instead of doing what is right in properly caring for the people.
Throughout the Holy Bible we were taught to be patient and to wait on God for He knows what is better for us than we know for ourselves. But by our country falling weak in our Christian faith this has allowed the secular world to misguide our country to a point that our children are losing more and more of their future freedom every day. It is easy to see Satan’s plan over the last 40 years by first consuming the people to chase their dreams and then allowing our own greed to lead to a corporate model that is destined to fall. Now due to this financial deception, Satan is hard at work within our own government to take over more and more of the free enterprise because many of us don’t even see how our country is falling deeper in debt to the point that we are all becoming slaves to the lender.
Debt creates a drive to reach different levels in life but when we don’t understand the Word of God our debt can become a burden that will rob us of our purpose in life through Jesus Christ. Always know what may look good to the eye at first may not always be the road we need to travel. Because it is what we can’t see that will get us every time when we step out in our emotions instead of trusting in God to bring it all together...amen
James Harrison / Servant
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