Do you believe all things are possible by God? Do you believe that Jesus can heal you of all your hurt and pains? If Jesus was to appear right in front of you today and tell you that you have been healed and that you can do anything that you set your mind to if you only believe would trust in His Word? If so, then what makes you think that He is not standing right beside you at this time and telling you that it is time for you to do the work it takes to move forward in your life once again?
When we say that we believe but continue to be consumed with our issues in life or the what if’s then we need to ask ourselves, ” Who are we doubting?” Because when we know something is right by God and doubt how we are going to make it to the other side then we are only allowing Satan to rob us of the life we can have through Jesus Christ.
To overcome something or to achieve something we must learn to trust in God and allow Him to take care of the details while we just do the work that He places before us. I challenge you today and every other day to look beyond what you see and hear to receive your direction in life. We all have a purpose and God did not give us this life to be unhappy. He gave us this life not only to see the direction we would travel but also how we would help others that have lost their Way…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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