Over the last 40 years many Christians have raised themselves up on a platform in thinking that they are better than someone else while many others feel that they are too good to be seen with a sinner. This time era of the church parallels the time with Jesus speaking to the Pharisees who claimed to be above those that did not fit into their standard of living and put more emphasis on their knowledge or looks instead of understanding the true love of Jesus Christ. At what point in the life of Jesus did He separate himself from those that needed help or from those that lived a life of sin? At what point in the Holy Bible did God say His love is only for a select few?
These wrong actions of many so called Christians have caused many children of God to feel as if they are not good enough for God’s mercy and grace. This wrong Christian behavior has caused many people to become suppressed by Satan and allowed their angers to build towards the Christian body because of people claiming one thing but acting something totally different. Since when did the church become a place that did not accept sinners? Why should someone feel rejected from a church because of their past? It is real easy in life to play a part or act the roll but until we learn how to be REAL in our faith then we are only causing more hurt within the body of Christ and fooling ourselves of the judgement that is going to come.
Being a genuine Christian means to understand that we are all guilty and undeserving of God’s love. We are to never separate ourselves and think that we are better than someone else nor are we to ever falsely think that someone is beyond help. It is our place to encourage those that fall weak in faith and to share our testimonies with one another while striving to walk in the light of Jesus Christ. For if we are not willing to get dirty or do the work it takes to get the job done then honestly how do you expect something to repair or heal what could be broken?
The Lord plainly tells us in 1 Peter 5, “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” The beautiful part of this life is how God keeps us in tune with His spirit by never knowing where the next message could be coming from. For just as soon as we think we are in tune someone else comes along or something takes place that we never expect to remind us of who we really are and encourage us to fine tune our lives even a step further. It is when we forget how far God has brought us and separate ourselves from the people that it is only a matter of time that we will eventually stumble and fall.
I challenge each one of you today and every other day to be REAL in your words and actions. Don’t allow Satan to rob you of the life in Jesus Christ and cause you to (not) be that good samaritan that you are supposed to be. Satan wants us to feel that we don’t have time or we are too good to help someone when we really can and all it takes is us just doing our part while trusting in God to bring it all together…amen
James Harrison / Servant
this is really amazing can you please tell me why christains are always dignified beause i need to write an essay and i do some ideas.Great speech you should become a lawyer
Where many Christians miss the boat is with the humbled heart and childlike faith. In todays time we can call these people Dignified Christians but in the time of Christ He called them Pharisees. If you will study the Pharisees you will find a relation to the modern day Christian.