Why is it when our young children come to us with life ambitions that we encourage them by telling them they can be anything they want to be but then as they mature we tend to stop encouraging them causing weak faith and low self esteem?
Think about it! As you have matured in life how many people have ever discouraged you or judged you by looking at what you wear, what you look like, your background, your age, or simply just telling you this can not be done? Is this not the complete opposite of what we are to teach our children when our daughter comes to us wanting to be that princess or our son comes to us wanting to be that astronaut? Is this not opposite of what our Christian faith teaches us about encouraging each other to be the best we can be under God?
Do you recall the lesson of Abraham and Sara with the birth of their son Isaac? The lesson was that our heartfelt dreams can be fulfilled at any age of our life when our faith is right with God! It is sad how so many people in our society have lost hope and forgotten their purpose in serving one another to reach higher levels in life. Instead we sit around debating the task at hand while discouraging someone who can possibly make a difference because we have lost sight of how to move forward with God leading the way.
Our society and many of our churches are holding our children back in the spirit of God because many have lost sight in the chain of life. In order to grow we are to help those less fortunate than us and encourage them to go further than ourselves while never forgetting the roots of our foundation in the Word of God through the love of Jesus Christ. What do you think Martin Luther King would say right now to those who told him to keep his mouth shut and that he would never make a difference? Looks like his dreams have now been fulfilled because of his belief in the dreams that he once carried.
Do not ever lose sight or give up on how God can work in your life when you truly commit yourself to follow Him. He has given each one of us a special talent to serve one another and when we learn to use our talents for God instead of serving ourselves we will discover our purpose in life to make a positive difference in our children’s future. I challenge you today and every other day to encourage someone and help them in life by learning to work together and not apart. Don’t disrespect God as Sara did and laugh at things that you may think are impossible because ALL things are possible with God and greater is He that is within us than he that is in this world…Amen
James Harrison / Servant
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by sadie jaxon, jacob madison and maddox audrey, Carlos Figueroa. Carlos Figueroa said: With God Dreams Can Come True… | Balanced Life Ministry: Why is it when our young children come to us with life a… http://bit.ly/8YpZEc […]