It is so easy in everyday life to get entangled in the obstacles that we face daily that we forget the direction that God has shown us by how to face and overcome our troubles in life. When we remove our focus from God our vision becomes restricted by Satan. He only wants us to fall deeper into our troubles rather than facing them head on with the armor of God and doing the work that it takes to get us through.
In the flesh of man it is very easy to give up or lay down when we face negative issues in life but this is where we must learn to call upon Jesus to help us through by never taking the easy way out and never avoiding what we know is right in our hearts to be true. Jesus plainly taught us how to look beyond the negative circumstance of this world by seeking the direction of God while never avoiding what we must face. When we follow this principle in life by facing our issues it is amazing how much more clear they will become and even how the Lord can deliver you.
If we are not careful in the fog of this world we can allow one negative issue to blind us of all the blessings that we have around us. This is where we must learn to look beyond the storm to see our way to the other side. We all have issues whether individually, at home, in our family, in our work, in our country and even in many of our churches that can cause us to feel that we cannot make a difference. We can make a difference! The Lord plainly taught us how by facing our issues in loving ways rather than in anger. It is when we neglect the light of Jesus that we will fall to the darkness of this world.
I challenge you to face something that will improve not only things in your life but something in someone else’s by showing them that you care. It is when we neglect this principle in our life that we forget how to act within the love of Jesus Christ and we fall to only focusing on ourselves rather than looking beyond our life…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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