In the book of Luke 13 we are given a parable of a gardener who planted a fig tree that never produced any fruit and it was just taking up space in the garden. After waiting three years the gardener was given orders to cut it down but he pleaded for mercy and begged for just one more year to prove its worth.
If you were to meet the Maker today would He see fruit in your life or would He say you are just serving self and taking up room in the garden? It is easy to be productive for ourselves but what use is this if we are not producing something in the glory of God? Our lives are not our lives and each one of us have a job to do in bearing fruit to help others along the Way.
I challenge you today to produce positive fruit in your life that will shine in the light of Jesus Christ. If you see someone with a frown, give them a smile. If you see someone who is in need, then help them however you can. Because it is when we plant that little seed of love by showing someone that we really do care that our tree will begin to bare…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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