It is very easy in life to say we are going to change or fix a problem but the question is, “Do our actions follow our words?” There is only one way to change or correct a problem and that is to reach the roots at the bottom and then work our way back up to the top! If we only work on the top then the change is only superficial because it will only last so long before the roots on the inside will overcome that which is on the outside.
Sometimes in life we have to be on the bottom to even see our way back up to the top. Once we are on the bottom we study our roots and our surroundings in order to repair and build like never before in seeing not only where we went wrong but how to help others along the way…
There is only one way to examine our roots and that is with the light of Jesus Christ that exposes our wrongs to make them right. The foundation which we stand is not ours but our Creators’ in Heaven above. Once we learn our position in who gives and takes away it is amazing at the strength we gain once we learn to stand again with God guiding the way.
We can speak change all day long, but if we do not do the work it takes in reaching the roots then prepare for the change to only last so long before the fall. I challenge you today and every other day to make positive change that will in turn help others in life throug hthe love of Jesus Christ…amen
James Harrison / servant
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