Over the past several months since President Obama has taken office America has encountered numerous issues with how our country is being led. Not only has this misguidance affected America and other countries around the world the part that hurts me the most is how he is misguiding our children.
No matter what we try to patch with money until we learn to get to the roots of the issue we will never correct the problem! As a leader in politics it is not our place to influence someone else’s children, but to do our jobs for what is right for the people. We have been given the Word of God and the church to teach our children morals and respect in loving one another through every circumstance in life which strengthens our homes for our children’s future.
It is a leaders position to be an example in all situations while respecting each parent to do their job in properly raising their children. When a leader takes a position he must understand that there are some things he must sacrifice due to the influence it will have on those that are looking up to them and understanding that he or she is setting an example for our future leaders. In every position there is a certain amount of freedom with discipline that is required in recognizing that due to our position we are not to go outside certain boundaries due to the negative affects that will follow and this is what every true leader should understand. There is to be order for the people which gives honor and security within our homes while holding ourselves accountable under God for what we have been given.
Until this country returns to God and our leaders begin to acknowledge our Creator as our founding fathers did in the Declaration of Independence then this country is going to continue to fall into worse conditions due to our human pride in not accepting how we are all accountable for how we give back in what we have been given.
America as a body has forgotten how to give as Abel in the book of Genesis in giving our best in what we have been given. As Cain, America as a whole has held on to the best for themselves in only giving what they want verses understanding how to give our all. Until America returns to its foundation under God and begins to work in serving one another verses ourselves then we will not see real change in America! Until then as our leaders continue to patch our problems while storing up the best for themselves then prepare for the blessings which was given to America to fade away. The Lord is calling and His children are crying and until we Wake Up the further America will drift out to sea…
It is my sincere prayer that President Obama and every other leader begins to recognize the Truth in what is taking place in our government in order to stand again in rebuilding strength for our children’s future. We all make mistakes at times and don’t recognize how we are affecting others in our decisions, but all that matters is how we correct ourselves in order to set the right examples for the future generations. Our God is a merciful God that only wants us to recognize our position while seeking Him for the direction of our future…Amen
James Harrison
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