When you study the demographics of different religions in The United States of America you will find that the United States has more Christians than any other country in the world. Based on a previous Wikipedia poll completed in 2007 it showed that America consist of 76% Christian and the remaining percents are claimed by others who follow other beliefs or no beliefs at all.
Based on this fact of America being 76% Christian why is that we have so much deception, dishonesty, greed, lust, unforgiveness, and lack of true love within the body of the church? Why is it that so many Christians have so much lack of code and honor in their way of life? Do we think just because we call ourselves Christians that we are excused from judgement and can live as we choose until we are called home? It is sad to see how so many Christians here in America have allowed the world into the church and fallen weak in faith to not stand up for what is right by God in our homes to keep this country intact.
When you study the different religions you will find that a majority of other beliefs can stand together to accomplish a mission but when it comes to today’s Christians many just argue and dispute the Way that has already been given by God through Jesus Christ. Why is that Muslims can stand united with other Muslims but the Christians can’t even agree on which denomination properly sets them free? If there was anyone in this fallen world that has held true by majority and seeked peace in everything they do it is the Amish and the Mennonites that have clearly understood how to live in this world but not of this world. This is sad but true how so many in the Christian body have lost their unity and forgotten how to work together in serving God instead of serving themselves.
Are Christians so blind and deaf here in America that they have forgotten how to recognize the Word of God and forgotten how to respect each person for the roll that God has given? This hurts my heart for what I hear and see not only as a Christian but as an American that understands how God gave us this country to be set free. Now with my new understanding in life through Jesus Christ I see how America has fallen to Satan in chasing their fleshly desires instead of trusting in God and allowing Him to supply us with our needs. Satan is very clever and has fooled many Americans as he once fooled Eve in the Garden of Eden.
It is in our human nature to want something before we are ready and to seek the easy route to achieve our goals but as we can now obviously see this is not the proper way to believe! Jesus plainly taught us when tempted by Satan to look past our immediate desires to understand the possible outcome before we make our decisions in life. He also taught us what would happen to our riches when we began to fill our own barns instead of helping others to build theirs to help feed others along the Way. America might look good from the outside but what good is it if we have nothing left on the inside? We all know what happens to the barn that has no inner strength to hold itself up, and it is my sincere prayer that every Christian here in America learns to put aside our differences for the sake of our children’s future.
Our barn might be financially empty here in The United States of America but the pillars that still stand are the Christians that help hold this country together. For without Godly principles, discipline and order through the love of Jesus Christ this country would be no different than the others that have always wanted what we have. What we have is what God has given and anyone that tries to take it away is not working for God but working for Satan.
Life is not about what we have on the outside but who we are on the inside. There is no competition in the body for every part learns to respect each part for the roll they carry while learning to serve each other along the Way. There is no excuse for sin as God told Adam in the Garden of Eden and there is no placing blame for what we know in our hearts to be true. So, I challenge each of you that may read this post to step up to the plate and begin to seek God’s will in your life and not your own If you have something in your life and you know it is not right then fix it before it destroys you! God is real and knows your heart and soul so the real question is, ” Do you know who you are or have you lost sight of your purpose in life?”
All it takes is that first step, and then every other step will gain momentum with strength once we commit to serving God instead of ourselves…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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