In the book of Exodus chapter 13 we are taught a major lesson of how to stay focused during our walk of life. When the people of Israel were set free from their suppression in Egypt the Lord gave them a detour through the wilderness instead of taking them down the main road which would have been an easier and quicker route.
How many times in life have you set out for something and it seemed you had to go around the world to reach your destination? Or how many times have you set out for something and simply given up because the road seemed too hard to travel? Or better yet, how many times in life have you just fallen weak and settled in your circumstances instead of pushing forward with what you know in your heart?
It is what we go through in life that teaches us how to trust in God and how to appreciate what we have been given. God’s promise has never changed and He never said the road would be easy to travel! We all go through trials and tribulations but this never means to give up on the love that we carry in life through Jesus Christ! So what if the road is not easy!!! So what if the road is not paved!!! So what if we have to overcome obstacles in our path!!! Tell me, what is wrong with a little work in our lives as long as we are working toward the kingdom of God?
There is a reason we go through what we do and many give up while others look for the easy way out. It is when we learn to keep God in front and work together as one in the love of Jesus that we will reach new levels in life. We all have our own individual mission under God and what He allows us to go through is to make us stronger and wiser to help someone else along the way.
It is very easy to think only about ourselves in tough times and this is exactly what Satan wants us to do. Never give up or lose hope, no matter your circumstance in life!!! Even in the darkest times God is always there even when we can’t see the way and all we have to do is just learn to trust and obey…
James Harrison / Servant
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