Life is a journey that can be compared to an explorer in a dark cave. When we are born this takes place in a cavern, and as we mature there comes a point that we must begin to walk in the darkness of this world. Sometimes our journey will bring laughter, and sometimes our journeys can bring pains. But all that really matters is that we continue to be faithful in our walk while always seeking the light of Jesus Christ in the darkness of this world to keep the enemy from driving us insane.
Sometimes in our journey we are able to walk and other times we might have to crawl. But all that really matters is that we always listen to hear God’s call. There will be people that will try to misguide us and there will be others who simply just want to hold us back. But there comes a point that we must learn to follow God instead of man and then He will deliver us from this land.
There will be times in our journey when we may barely squeeze through and other times that we may even want to give up when we feel the load is too much to bear. This is where we must learn to never quit no matter how tight things may be because the Lord can lift the load and even set us free.
There will be times when we are trying to climb out of the darkness that we will need help because we all fall weak at times no matter how independent we may think we are. God put us here to help one another in this darkness to see how we would serve in helping others along the Way but so many times in our journey of the flesh we fall to a selfish mode of survival and become complacent to the point that we forget how to truly climb.
Many of us try to climb on our own at times when we don’t understand God’s purpose in having order and discipline within the body to reach higher levels in this life through the love of Jesus Christ. This is why it is vital to know God’s Word which is our foundation because if we don’t know where we stand then it is easy to fall.
There must be a time that we learn how to respect our differences and learn to work together rather than against one another. We are all here to help uplift each other whether we are on the top or even on the bottom. God allows us to go through different trials in our life to help others along the Way and to help keep our lives in Balance so we will never forget who we truly are. For no person is any different than the next under God and we all serve a vital purpose in God’s kingdom…amen
James Harrison /Servant
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