Here is a riddle the Lord placed on my heart and I pray that you study the depth of what was given to insure whom or what you are working for;
Do you work for what you physically see or do you work for what you don’t see? If you work then for what you see then do you know whom you are working for?
It is easy in life to only go through the motions in our relationships, in our homes, in our jobs, and even in the church but when we just do what it takes to get by then would you say we are being good stewards over what we have been given? God gives us our life, our children, our jobs, our homes, our friends, our spouse, our church and even this country here in America and when we neglect what God has given then it is only a matter of time before it could be taken away.
When we begin to work for the future results instead of focusing on the immediate return then our jobs and our relationships will grow stronger with direction for our children’s future. I challenge you today to take ownership in what you have been given and to not take what you have been entrusted with lightly! Learn to focus on what you can do to make a positive difference instead of trying to put off what you can do on someone else…amen
James Harrison / Servant
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